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Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The students love to use real tools and work with real materials.  Here is one of the students using a screw driver to put screws into a piece of wood.  They can also hammer nails or saw if they have their safety goggles on. 

Ipads in the Classroom

Our board issued each Kindergarten teacher and ECE an Ipad.  These are used daily in our classroom either for educational apps, pictures, videos or as an assessment tool.  Has anyone else used the Clic program?  It can be found here  I was recently trained on this app and although there are some things I would change it is a very helpful tool for documenting the learning expectations in the curriculum.  You are able to attach photos and videos to learning stories and it really gives you a clear idea on which students you have observed in each curriculum area and where they are currently at in meeting learning objectives.   Here is a list of my favourite apps for the students.  Toontastic, Montessori Approach, Tumbler Books, Bob Books,

Alright here we go again...

I haven't used this blog space in over three years.  My excuses are plenty: life, child, work.  But my excuse for using it again is that I'm pursuing my Masters in Education.  The requirements of one of my assignments is to document and track my progress for a goal.  I will use this space to write about and eventually post my resource for using yoga in the classrooms as a self regulation tool. 

My timeline to achieve my goal...
Research the links between self regulation and yoga- 2 weeks
Create a powtoon as platform for delivery- 2 weeks
Game ideas and breathing techniques that can be used in the classroom - 1 week